Swimming While Pregnant
It is beneficial to swim during pregnancy. However, swimming while pregnant comes with dos and don'ts that you should follow and danger signs to watch out for.
Sit ups While Pregnant
Exercise is important for a pregnant woman to stay healthy. However, precautions must be taken before a woman does sit ups while pregnant.
Climbing Stairs During Early Pregnancy
Climbing stairs during early pregnancy is safe as long as your doctor says it’s okay. This article helps you understand safety on stairs and what to do if you do take a tumble.
Third Trimester Exercises and Precautions to Take
Many women want to do exercises in third trimester and precautions need to be taken to protect you and your baby. Know which exercises are safe for you and your baby.
Cardio While Pregnant
If you are a regular exerciser, then cardio while pregnant should not be an issue. Those who don’t exercise regularly need to start slowly with those safe cardio exercises.