Spicy Food and Pregnancy

When it comes to a woman's pregnancy, extra care and caution should be observed, especially when it comes to diet during pregnancy. Pregnant women have a variety of cravings, which may include cravings for spicy food. However, the safety issue linked with spicy food and pregnancy can be protested against by many people, with the suggestion that it is bad for fetal development, but is it really the case?

Is It Safe to Eat Spicy Food During Pregnancy?

Spicyimage001 food and pregnancy can go togehter while pregnant. It is ok to eat spicy foods while pregnant if you can stomach it. While the spices do not necessarily harm your child, they could affect the expectant mother and bring about digestive problems and heartburns. Spicy foods also could exacerbate morning sickness and it’s always advised that you eat from different food groups while pregnant to ensure that you and your unborn child have a healthy intake of nutrients.

It will not affect your baby. While a small fraction of the food you eat makes its way to your milk supply, it will not necessarily affect your baby. In fact, it might be good for your baby, as it exposes them to a wider food palette earlier in life. Women living in countries known for their spicy culinary dishes do not make changes to their diet while pregnant and this doesn’t seem to affect their babies.

It will not lead to preterm labor. There have been many myths connecting spicy foods to labor. These are all myths and contrary to popular perception, spicy foods will not stimulate labor, cause a miscarriage or bring about preterm labor. As mentioned earlier, some spicy foods may aggravate morning sickness, the major culprits being Thai or Mexican dishes.

Notes and Precautions

However, Keep an eye on the safety issue linked spicy food and pregnancy. Here are some notes and precatuions you'd better keep in mind.

  • Watch for signs of indigestion/ heartburn

However, it’s important that you identify foods that affect you so you can avoid them. If for example a certain type of food causes indigestion or heart burn, it may be wise to make changes. The same applies to your young one, if you baby develops an upset stomach; you might want to try out a diet with milder or less spices. Stick to a diet that is healthy and most importantly comfortable to both you and the baby.

  • Eat spicy foods in the right way

To ensure that you do not suffer from negative effects such as indigestion or heartburns, it is recommended that you initially try out new spicy foods in small amounts. What you need to be careful about is consuming spices sold without proper packaging. This is because the spices may be contaminated. Make sure that you only buy spices that are government approved, ISI-marked and branded. Remember to check out the expiration dates as well.

To sum it all up, spicy foods are safe but you should avoid eating them if spicy foods cause you any discomfort. Eat healthy and you will be well.

Foods that You Should Really Avoid During Pregnancy

Although spicy food and pregnancy can go with in harmony, not all foods are safe and the American Pregnancy Association recommends that expectant mothers stay away from undercooked and raw meat, eggs, poultry, seafood and deli meats that have not been steamed. Unpasteurized dairy products, alcohol, herbal teas, caffeinated drinks, unwashed fruits and vegetables are also a no-go zone. Other foods you might to avoid are fishes with high mercury content and these include sharks, tilefish, mackerel and swordfish. These foods are dangerous to the unborn child and could bring about birth defects and illnesses.

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